Digital Strategy

The key to sustained value growth today is a virtuous growth cycle in which you identify where to invest and how to apply advanced technologies to future-proof your operations. 

We work with executives and their teams to create effective automation road-maps and business unit strategies and to secure alignment across the enterprise. When production managers face conflicting mandates of developing long-term strategies while delivering short-term results, we work together to design and deliver agile programs where value is delivered incrementally during the program.

From strategy through execution, we help you deliver improved performance by increasing productivity and de-risking strategic choices.

Business Case Development

At the heart of all new initiatives and significant business decisions lies a funding submission. With limited funding dollars and competing priorities it can prove challenging to get initiatives approved. The development of a robust and defensible business case requires a deep understanding of the client’s needs and the challenges they are facing from both within the sector and the broader economy.

At Alleo, we specialise in the drivers and issues that need to be considered in making strategic business decisions. We have developed business cases for many mining initiatives, helping clients produce clear, objective and easy to understand submissions.

We provide a range of skills necessary to develop strong material to support board, executive and management decision making. The team helps clients ensure that our clients has:

  • Identified and clearly articulated the business or service need
  • Aligned the proposal with the organisation’s strategic objectives
  • Presented a balanced consideration of options
  • Demonstrated a robust value for money proposition via detailed cost-benefit analysis or other analytical techniques
  • Proposed a sustainable solution capable of continued efficiencies, savings and value
  • Demonstrated their ability to deliver the project.